
HYMNN itself is an invitation

HYMNN is there just like nature is. If you hear the call, you are invited to explore in what way or form HYMNN can be part of your journey.

HYMNN offers invitations online as well as on location and in different forms. All
contributing to HYMNN’s purpose.

We believe in the power of community. Together we have a bigger impact. By
collaboration with experts in each field, who are aligned with our mission, we strive to make this information available to everyone.


HYMNN ’s Academy

1 on 1 retreat in unspoilt nature

Do you allow yourself an adventure and me-time?

In today’s society, men are absorbed by the rat race. We’re supposed to strive for more beautiful, bigger and better as these are the aspirations that we have grown up with. Further nourished by our environment and strong marketing. But often when we achieve the set goals, it doesn’t bring the satisfaction we thought it would provide. You are stuck in an endless circle, losing track of your actual needs and desires.

Where do you spend all your energy and time on? Are those the activities that give you the most satisfaction or the relationships that are most important to you?

I help to get you out of this loop. To really feel what drives you and which direction to go. Being in the raw and powerful nature of Bulgaria brings you that clarity. Guaranteed. This could be related to your company, job, relationships, (personal) leadership or anything else that asks for your attention. I will support you in this process using my leadership skills and human design experience. 

I will put together an adventurous trip, by tuning in to what will serve you. The program will be fully aligned with you in advance. Think about hiking, mountain biking, skiing, rafting, snow scooter riding, shooting, and quad riding (all season dependent). Partly back to basic, but also enjoying the modern day comforts. 

After this trip, we will connect every two weeks during three months to integrate the learnings and actions from your trip into your daily life. I am so convinced of the power of this offer that I’m offering this individual program with a ‘money back guarantee’ in case you’re not seeing the desired results. 

Feel free to send me an email or a DM to schedule an introductory call for more information.


Nature - Adventure - Together
Autumn 2024

Are you in for an unforgettable and adventurous trip with other men in nature?

Our society has become more and more individualistic. We are all given the feeling that we need to do it on our own. We’re told to just fit into the structure of study, job, mortgage and family. We have lost the power of the collective, united we can achieve so much more.

In the old days we men sat around campfires and experienced adventure every day. I’d like to take you back in time. Engage in fun and adventurous activities, surrounded by unspoiled nature. Sharing whatever is going on around the campfire. Both our ideas and dreams as well as the struggles we sometime face. Being together, not alone.  

I invite you along with up to 7 other men to sit around the campfire again, spending time in nature, join in activities like hiking, rafting, quad riding, mountain biking, snow scooter riding, horse riding,  swimming etc. (all season dependent).

If you want to stay informed about this men’s retreat, just send me a DM or email and I will regularly update you on this unique retreat.


Awakening the best leader in you

Following his life’s purpose: ‘Staying true to my authentic self and empowering others to do the same’ Marcel has created an online course with all his learnings on authentic leadership. His dream is to create an even bigger ripple effect by spreading his Younique leadership experience across the globe and empowering other to lead this change.

He shares his insights and methods that helped him become appreciated for his authentic leadership style in a corporate environment. He also interviews other visionaries and experts to take you on a magical learning journey.

This course will become available soon and if you’re interested in the progress you can follow Marcel on LinkedIn or Instagram


A journey of embodiement

The art of being you takes you on a journey of exploration into the essence of your being. Getting to know and understand your authentic self.

Sylvia & Anne Marieke will guide you through a program they created based on their own experiences using rebalancing, family constellation, energy work and Human Design.

All approaches form a wonderful synthesis in which embodiment plays an important role.

This program will be available in different formats (retreats, online program and 1:1 sessions)


Create your healthy indoor environment

There is a growing amount of people that are experiencing the harmful and negative effects of the many harmful products we are using nowadays. These people are the canary in the coil mines and let the rest of the world know through their symptoms of the toxic environment we live in.

In this program we take you on a journey to learn more about the ingredients of the products we use on a daily basis and replace these products for others if they contain toxins.

Taking it product by product so not to overwhelm you in this process. Each step is a step towards a more healthier environment. With the choices we make by spending our money on the healthier products we create the change, together.


In today’s society we are expected to work towards having our own home, a partner, children, a dog, a car and then even a bigger house and maybe a second car. If we manage that, we should be happy and fulfilled. But is this what really deeply fulfills you?


Are you curious to explore what HYMNN could look like for you? If so, we invite you on this guided meditation. Please feel free to share your vision with us.


By living according your unique design, you can tap into your innate potential and contribute to the world in a way that is most aligned with who you are. Are you ready to explore?